Wednesday, May 30, 2007

7-1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners

After reading the habits, I would say that the habits that I am strongest in are:
1. accept responsibility for your own learning
2. view problems as challenges
3. have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner
4. teach and mentor others
5. play

The habit that is the hardest for me is: use technology to your advantage. I don't want a lot of technology - I don't want a lot of things - I have too many people to manage and not enough time for gadgets.

I like to learn, but I have to get use to putting my thoughts in writing in a public arena.

mother of six signing out

1 comment:

Honoré said...

Those are great learning habits/strengths. And I bet with six daughters, you can easily master any new technologies - let them teach you!